How I learned About Concorde Fallacy/ India's Largest Station / zzzuckerberg

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Dear all,

In 2017, I first started buying stocks πŸ’Ήfrom the stock market. After going through

recommendations, advertisements, and suggestions,

I bought some shares of a penny stock πŸͺ™ that I believed to be a winner, or to be more precise, a multibagger.

However, the stock price started to decline πŸ“‰. After some time, I bought some more shares of the same company and tried to average down. I waited again, but the share price declined further. Being an optimist, I again bought some shares of that penny stock. And again, the price declined further.

Now, I stopped ✋ investing any further and also did not sold the shares. Hoping that some day it will give positive returns and I will be able to recover its value.

This tendency to continue investing in something that is not working out, simply because I have already invested a lot of time, money, or effort into it, is known as the Concorde Fallacy or Sunk Cost Fallacy.

Ultimately, the investment became a loss-making one.

This term came from the British and French governments' decision to continue funding the development of the Concorde supersonic passenger jet, even after it became clear that the project was not economically viable.

Here are some tips for avoiding the sunk cost fallacy:

πŸ•΅️ Set clear investment goals and objectives.

✍️ Regularly review your investments and make adjustments as needed.

🫑Be willing to admit when you have made a mistake.

😱Don't be afraid to cut your losses.

The sunk cost fallacy is a common cognitive 🀯bias that can lead to poor decision-making. By understanding this fallacy and being aware of its triggers, you can avoid making costly mistakes in your investments.

**One Video πŸŽ₯ I Enjoyed**

Still remembers the old day when I used to avail the Platform No. 9 for catching the train to New Delhi from this station. And this documentary will give you the insights about this place.

India's Largest Railway πŸš‚ Complex: Howrah Junction .

Link πŸ”— - []

**Two Tweets 🐦 I Enjoyed and Liked**

This is hilarious as well as very creative. Check out the worst UI intentionally made for fun.

Link πŸ”— - []

"A multitude of bad ideas is necessary for one good idea." David Perell lists out 28 of his best maxims for writing

Link πŸ”— - []

**Three New Websites 🌐 I Enjoyed and Liked**

Terms of Conditions are the most boring thing that we encounter in online world. So get bored and sleep or meditate.

Meditate with soothing sound of terms of conditions of different websites.

Link πŸ”— - [ ]

This website generates random quotes on a click of a button. Try it.

Link πŸ”— - [ ]

It's that movie where Tim Robbins builds a library in prison and everyone loves the old guy named Brooks.

Just give the plot of a movie and AI will try to guess the movie.

Link πŸ”— - [ ]

**Three Quotes and Phrases I Liked**

I've always thought that a big laugh is a really loud noise from the soul saying, 'Ain't that the truth!'"— Quincy Jones

It's useful to focus on adding another zero to whatever you define as your success metric—money, status, impact on the world, or whatever.

[Lines i Liked⏩]

Almost all medical professionals have seen what we call "futile care" being performed on people. That's when doctors bring the cutting edge of technology to bear on a grievously ill person near the end of life. The patient will get cut open, perforated with tubes, hooked up to machines, and assaulted with drugs. All of this occurs in the Intensive Care Unit at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars a day. What it buys is misery we would not inflict on a terrorist. - [Source]

**Two Write Ups I Enjoyed and Liked**

Currently, most of our life is spent online on Web 2 and Web 3. Privacy, Freedom of Speech and Decentralization are the most important factors when deciding where sovereign individuals should spend majority of their time.

This post will help you to become a Sovereign Individual.

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100 things I know

Tidbits I've learned that have made my life better.

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**One Photo I Enjoyed and Liked**


**An Amazing/Weird/ Useful Product**

Vintage Clock ⌚ - Link πŸ”— -

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Vintage Handmade Diary πŸ“” - Link πŸ”—

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